Nội dung khóa học Bài 1: Giới thiệu về C++ Tổng quan ngôn ngữ C++ Tại sao nên học ngôn ngữ C++ Bài 2: Cài đặt môi trường phát triển (IDE) Visual studio 2015 Giới thiệu Microsoft Visual Studio Hướng dẫn download và cài đặt visual studio Bài 3: Xây dựng chương trình C++ đầu tiên với Visual Studio 2015 Một số kiến thức...

Chapter 9: References Introduction to References Declaring and using references Comparing pointers and references References and const

Chapter 10: Character Manipulation and Strings Introduction to Strings Character Manipulation C-string manipulation C-String concatenation and copy Introducing std::string Declaring and using std::string

Chapter 11: Functions The One Definition Rule First Hand on C++ Functions Function Declaration and Function Definitions Multiple Files - Compilation Model Revisited Pass by value Pass by pointer Pass by reference Chapter 12: Getting Things out of functions Introduction to getting things out of functions Input and...

Chapter 13: Function Overloading Function Overloading Introduction Overloading with different parameters

Chapter 14: Lambda functions Introduction to Lambda Functions Declaring and using lambda functions Capture lists Capture all in context Summary

Chapter 15: Function Templates Introduction to function templates Trying out function templates Template type deduction and explicit arguments Template parameters by reference Template specialization

Chapter 16: C++20 Concepts Crash course Introduction to C++20 Concepts Using C++20 Concepts Building your own C++20 Concepts Zooming in on the requires clause Combining C++20 Concepts C++20 Concepts and auto

Chapter 17: Classes Introduction to classes Your First Class C++ Constructors Defaulted constructors Setters and Getters Class Across Multiple Files Arrow pointer call notation Destructors Order of Constructor Destructor Calls The this Pointer struct Size of objects

Chapter 18: Inheritance Introduction to Inheritance First try on Inheritance Protected members Base class access specifiers : Zooming in Base class access specifiers - A demo Closing in on Private Inheritance Resurrecting Members Back in Context Default Constructors with Inheritance Custom Constructors With Inheritance...