Chapter 14: Lambda functions Introduction to Lambda Functions Declaring and using lambda functions Capture lists Capture all in context Summary

Chapter 15: Function Templates Introduction to function templates Trying out function templates Template type deduction and explicit arguments Template parameters by reference Template specialization

Chapter 16: C++20 Concepts Crash course Introduction to C++20 Concepts Using C++20 Concepts Building your own C++20 Concepts Zooming in on the requires clause Combining C++20 Concepts C++20 Concepts and auto

Chapter 17: Classes Introduction to classes Your First Class C++ Constructors Defaulted constructors Setters and Getters Class Across Multiple Files Arrow pointer call notation Destructors Order of Constructor Destructor Calls The this Pointer struct Size of objects

Chapter 18: Inheritance Introduction to Inheritance First try on Inheritance Protected members Base class access specifiers : Zooming in Base class access specifiers - A demo Closing in on Private Inheritance Resurrecting Members Back in Context Default Constructors with Inheritance Custom Constructors With Inheritance...

Chapter 19: Polymorphism Introduction to Polymorphism Static Binding with Inheritance Dynamic binding with virtual functions Size of polymorphic objects and slicing Polymorphic objects stored in collections (array) Override Overloading, overriding and function hiding Inheritance and Polymorphism at different levels...

Chapter 3: Variables and data types Variables and data types Introduction Number Systems Integer types : Decimals and Integers Integer Modifiers Fractional Numbers Booleans Characters And Text Auto Assignments Variables and data types summary Bài 3: Xây dựng chương trình C++ đầu tiên với Visual Studio 2015 Một số kiến...

Chapter 4: Operations on Data Introduction on Data operations Basic Operations Precedence and Associativity Prefix/Postfix Increment & Decrement Compound Assignment Operators Relational Operators Logical Operators Output formatting Numeric Limits Math Functions Weird Integral Types Data Operations Summary

Chapter 5: Flow Control Flow Control Introduction If Statements Else If Switch Ternary Operators Flow Control Summary

Chapter 6: Loops Loops Introduction For Loop While Loop Do While Loop

Chapter 7: Arrays Introduction to Arrays Declaring and using arrays Size of an array Arrays of characters Array Bounds

Chapter 8: Pointers Introduction to Pointers Declaring and using pointers Pointer to char Program Memory Map Revisited Dynamic Memory Allocation Dangling Pointers When new Fails Null Pointer Safety Memory Leaks Dynamically allocated arrays

⌨️ (0:00:00) Introduction to data structures ⌨️ (0:06:33) Data Structures: List as abstract data type ⌨️ (0:19:40) Introduction to linked list ⌨️ (0:36:50) Arrays vs Linked Lists ⌨️ (0:49:05) Linked List - Implementation in C/C++ ⌨️ (1:03:02) Linked List in C/C++ - Inserting a node at beginning ⌨️ (1:15:50) Linked List...

Thông thường, chúng ta đọc nội dung của file sau khi mở file. Giả sử chúng ta có file “test.txt” có nội dung như bên dưới: 1This file is testing. 2Good Luck! Hàm mở file ra được viết như thế này: f = open(“test.txt”,‘r’,encoding = ‘utf-8’) Để đọc nội dung file, python hỗ trợ các hàm là read, readline, readlines, mỗi...